Size Matters!
If you read to the end of the post, you'll understand how you can help conquer this area of the field. Before we go down the path that...

Before You Buy that Bat for Christmas!
Whether we want to admit it or not, Christmas is right around the corner. While that is an exhilarating time for most kids, it can be a...

Data-Driven Bat Fitting
When selecting a bat there are a number of variables that need to be considered. When you get right down to it, though, what is most...

What's in an Ounce?
Everyone reading this has likely relied on the stated weight on a bat as part of the purchasing process. Whether we are in the store,...

What is an Ink Dot... and Why Does it Matter?
Bat manufacturers have been ink dotting maple bats since Major League Baseball (MLB) changed its rules regarding maple bats in 2009. What...